Monkton Wyld Farm Caravan Site, Charmouth. September 2015

Friday 11th September 2015

We were looking forward to returning to Charmouth which was one of our first caravan adventures and a firm favourite. But we like to experience different sites so this time it’s a Camping and Caravan Club site. Our journey was pretty awful. There was an accident on the A35 quite near to our destination and we were held up for over an hour while the emergency services did their thing. We didn’t get to the site until 5pm so not much time to do anything but drink wine and have supper.

Saturday 12th September

It rained all night but had cleared by the morning so we went into Bridport (a retirement destination favourite) and had a lovely wander around the town and market.


We spent the afternoon mooching around Lyme Regis after a lunch of mussels and searching (endlessly) for fossils on the beach – still no luck. I’m determined to find a fossil, I even bought a book about it but it didn’t help. When we were parking the car a family were packing up and one of the kids had found an amazing ammonite just yards away…! I had to compromise with a fossil fridge magnet!

Gary and the Cobb

Sunday 13th September

Still no rain and the day turned out warm and sunny. We went to Charmouth beach this morning. I didn’t think we’d been here before but we had and I think it was the previous bad weather that probably blotted it from my memory! The beach is lovely and Jim loves rolling in the sand but he disgraced himself when we stopped for a pub lunch and he had a shouting match with another JRT!

Charmouth beach huts


From here we went to the Golden Cap estate on Stonebarrow Hill, walking along the cliff paths to Cain’s folly. The views were wonderful and the sun a welcome companion.



We had a drive around to find a pub for an afternoon drink and also for me to access wifi. Wifi access is a constant source of frustration for me as I use social media and upload photos and blogs. The caravan sites seem to be frustratingly obtuse about supplying wifi and any that provide it willingly and free of charge always get a mark of approval from me. It seems that to be a caravanner you should really eschew the comforts of modern living – we have already given up TV, toilet comforts and  our own shower, I draw the line at no wifi!

So we drove to find a pub with wifi and ended up in the White Hart in Devon! A nice glass of wine and uploading all my photos and we’re all set.

last day

Home to the van for the last night ritual – taking down and packing up the awning and a relaxing meal with lashings of wine – I wonder why I love this caravanning so much?

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